Tuesday 13 March 2012

50% Excitement 50% Fear

Excuse the cycling analogy, but just like riding a bike at the velodrome, setting up a new office is a mixture of 50% Excitement & 50% Fear! The excitement being - designing logos, commissioning websites, the thrill of the new business cards fresh from the printers, the dream of future projects.....The fear being - income tax, national insurance, finding clients, getting paid!
With this in mind I thought the best place to start would be the RIBA otherwise known as the Royal Institute of British Architects. Now, for another sporting anology substitute RIBA with FA, the Football Association & you'll get the picture. (For those of a cycling persuasion think Pat McQuaid at the UCI & then you really will begin to understand where I'm coming from!)
Trawling through their bookshop I found what I thought would be the perfect read - 'RIBA Good Practice Guide: Starting a Practice'. So far so good, but open the first page & what is the first sentence that greets you?

'Why are you reading this guide? Thank you for buying a copy, but you shouldn't even be thinking about starting your own practice.'

Honestly, you couldn't make this stuff up!!!

You may have (or probably not) noticed the change in blog name. Le Modulor - A not so subtle architectural indulgance paying homage to the great Le Corbusier's Modulor Man. As much a hero for his tragic Nietzschean view of the human condition as for his architecture. One thing is for sure, he wouldn't have paid any attention to page 1 of 'Starting a Practice'.

So enough rambling, there's no turning back now.